IWH2022&2023 papers can be published on SPIE proceedings. Please refer to |
(2023.12.09) |
the Publication page, and submit manuscript at your earliest convenience. |
IWH2022&2023 will close successfully. The attends have been over 100! |
(2023.12.07) |
IWH2022&2023 will open! Submitted papers reached 68. |
(2023.12.05) |
The onsite registration of the workshop will be start from tomorrow. |
(2023.12.04) |
The tentative program can be download from here. |
(2023.11.30) |
The submission deadline of the poster presentation PDF file is Nov. 28, 2023. |
(2023.11.17) |
Please refer to the Presenter page, and prepare the poster presentation at |
your earliest convenience. |
The paper submission new deadline is Oct. 30 2023. |
(2023.10.20) |
The paper submission deadline is postponed. Please refer to the |
(2023.09.30) |
Submission page, and submit a paper at your earliest convenience. |
The newest Final Call for Papers of IWH2022&2023 can be download |
(2023.08.30) |
The First Call for Papers of IWH2022&2023 can be download |
(2023.04.17) |
The submission deadline is Oct. 1. |
It is decided that IWH2022&2023 will be held during December 5-7, 2023. |
(2023.04.15) |
The location is still Fuzhou, China. |
IWH2022 will be held with IWH2023 in November or December this year. |
(2023.02.22) |
The workshop dates of IWH2022 have been postponed. The new dates will |
(2022.11.12) |
be announced. The location will still be Fuzhou. |
The paper submission deadline is extended for a week. Please refer to the |
(2022.11.01) |
Submission page, and submit a paper at your earliest convenience. |
The Final Call for Papers of IWH2022 can be download. |
(2022.10.10) |
The site of IWH2022 Committee is opened! |
(2022.07.24) |
IWH2022 web site is opened! |
(2022.06.25) |